Tag Archives: Mormon

Marko’s Didge History

Last week and today, Marko and I conducted 2 recorded interviews documenting his introduction to the didgeridoo and the artistic exploration following that fateful day. This photo represents a period of time in the evolution of his career as a craftsman/ innovator. He called this series of leather, painted didgeridoos the “Temple Horns.” It’s a regional thing. When I was a kid in Rexburg (home of BYU-Idaho), I used to answer the phone sometimes, “Top o’ the temple, Moroni speaking.”

Soon I’ll have an ebook available for purchase on the website. www.didjbox.com
top o the temple

Marko’s backyard in Millcreek, Salt Lake City, UT ~ Feb. 24, 2015

Angel Moroni toots God's horn but wishes he had a Marko Johnson didge.

Angel Moroni toots God’s horn but wishes he had a Marko Johnson didge.

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Filed under didgeridoo, Marko Johnson